Thursday, 19 May 2011


I didn't have any exams, or even an English lesson today, so I'm not going to babble on about any of those two things today, although, I have given them a mention. 
Todays blog is honestly going to be shorter than any other blog I've done so far, well, I'm counting on it, and the reason todays blog is going to be shorter is because well, I don't actually have as much to talk about, besides from reviewing my opinion on Lady Gaga's new songs. At this current moment, I'm just listening to her newest and recent song 'Hair', and because I'm listening and haven't fully reviewed it yet, I'll leave that one till last.
I don't actually want anyone to be upset, or offended by anything I'm going to put, it may not even be any of those two things, you might agree, you might not, that is you're decision and I do not object to anyone's opinion, except abusive ones, because I'm free to write but I want, but not at the expense of people telling me horrid things, maybe you're own opinions, but not cruel ones, but I'm not up for people who are cruel in their opinions, just honest and won't terribly hurt my feelings, and besides, if you don't want to read my opinion, don't read it, because it is you're own fault for reading it, but I'm not going to be mean, or abusive in any way to Lady Gaga's songs, just what I think about them at the moment, as I could always change my mind. So if you want to read, and have a sense of decent opinion, go aheard, or you can glance or click on the links I'm going to include, and even just scan it if you want, but do whatever really.
The first song I wish to review from Lady Gaga's recent tunes is 'Judas', because I believe this is the first out of the three I'm going to write about. Now, from the start, I love it, the tune is repetetive, especially at the part of 'Ju-da, Ju-da-da-da, Ju-da, ju-da-da-da' and then it's better when she does that 'Aaaaah-aaaaaaah-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaah', but then afterwards, she gets a little low in tone for my liking, but this is just the beginning, and I still have the like other 2 minutes to listen to. So next, she sings the lyrics 'When he comes to me, I'm ready, I was his feet with my hair everyday' and I like the way this brings it up to the chorus, where it picks up in pop and she starts to sing higher, but, the first time I heard it, I only realised after the chrous line when she sings 'I'm just a holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel, but I'm still in Judas, baby', that I think it clicked in my head that she was singing about Jesus, If I'm right, don't believe I'm stupid if I realised it that far in, because it was the first time I heard it, remeber, and it just hit me, and if I'm wrong, tell me otherwise or what the song is actually about, because I'm actually confused, but my point being if it is about Jesus, in my own opinion, I didn't like it as much after I realised it, because I believe myself that the song glorifys him, and I'm not a religious person at all, so I kind of feel annoyed that she is singing about him in a way, but if Lady Gaga is religious, and she wants to sing about anything revolving around it, that is perfectly fine, but I just don't like anything that mentions religion, because I'm Agnostic (not Atheist as so many would assume), and for those of you who don't know what it means, Agnositic is when you only believe in what you see (kind of like Science), and if you know what it means, and are one, maybe you'll understand. People believe that although Jesus may have existed, he was not actually the son of God and was a VERY devout Christian (mine & others opinions, remember?). But moving on, I just don't want to listen to someone preaching about respecting religion, NO OFFENCE OR HATRED INTENDED, please, just remember that alright? I also know what some of you may think aswell, 'if you don't like it, don't listen to it', and I don't listen to it now, unless I hear someone putting it on, or it's on a music channel, and as it is a Lady Gaga song, who I do like, thought I'm not a Little Monster like some of her hardcore fans, I like listening to some of her music, because some of them are not about religion, and well, some are, they are also catchy, and I DO NOT put or mean hate on her. For the actual video, I love her outfits, always have done, I like anyone who isn't afraid to wear what they wish, if they can pull it off, and of course, she can, and I loved each different outfit and hairstyle, like I do in each, well, most songs she does. Now, as of the pausing part, with the water gushing and all of that, I don't know about you, but in my opinion, I think I needed the toilet after hearing that, and if people who did need the toilet would probably have really,really needed to go, great in the video none the less, but terrrible listening to it after about 9 drinks. and then you have the end of the song, when you listen to the chorus, and so on. That's actually my review for this song, don't like it, well, don't think harshly, because like I believe everyone is allowed their opinion, SO AM I. The link for the song on youtube is below if you want to listen to it, and I'm apologising to die-hard Gaga fans, but I'm not one of you, and I can like/dislike or think a song is O.K if I wish;
The second Lady Gaga song that came out is none other than one of the most talked about references so far, even done on Glee, and for me, a song that appears on Glee has to be popular, and I mean, they do 80's stuff, so I LOVE listening to music from Glee, maybe not all, but most, and this song is, if you've guessed it, is 'Born This Way', and although I like it, as the lyrics are so meaningful, and I truly mean that, I mean, an example in this lyrical paragraph below;
No matter gay, straight or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life.
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born to survive.
That paragraph has to be my favourite, as I believe labels should be saved for tins and wrappers, and I love the song, their is NO fault with the song whatsoever, the tune is fantastic, and I would listen to it over and over, so honestly, my review for this song is a two thumbs up, because I have no more thumbs, but what I do want to say is what this song has annoyed me wih, along the lines of people. I've heard people always use the excuse 'it's because I'm born this way', on pretty much everything, and I don't think people are respecting that the song is about those who have been born upon or have had bad times, not when someone calls you a bitch or something. I believe you weren't born to be a bitch, unless you were, then I'm not going to like you much. I might be over-opinionating there, but I believe that people shouldn't over use it. and that is actually a smaller review, because there was not much fault with that song, and that's my honest review, although most of it was towards people who use the phrase, and I did enjoy the costumes, like always. The link if you want to listen to Lady Gaga's version and/or Glee's (both of which are actually the videos of them singing the song), then click either or both of the links below;
My third and final song, which I said I would do last because I had only just heard the song and it's quite new, I only found one video on youtube, but reviewing it now, I say you should listen to this one the most. HONESTLY IT'S GREAT. It's my favourite out of the 3 I have reviewed. I mean, understanding that it is partly about hair, it's catchy, well sung, the lyrics are easy to follow, and I think it'll be a great hit, maybe not as a big hit as 'Born This Way' but it should be close! Now that I think about it, it's another song that can relate to people now that I've listened to it another 15 or so times, but I think I'll let you guys judge that for yourself, because honestly, I don't know how to put it into words. This is my shortest review so far, but that's because I can't really add anything else at the moment. But you guys are free to judge for yourselves by cliking on the link below, it's not the video, but it's the song, so that is actually good enough;
I've actually just read over what I have put, and it seems that 'Judas' is the one I did the biggest review on, and it was my least favourite. If you didn't get that the first time you read it, or glanced, even scanned it, well, now you do if you listen to it. If you feel I haven't reviewed any of the songs enough, and have some suggestions that I could agree with to put down, just feel free to tell me, nothing horrifically offensive, otherwise I won't listen, although YES, you are entitled to you're opinion, but if it is harsh, keep it in you're head. The saying does go 'If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything', or something along those lines, I might have got that wrong, but oh well, it is of course on the same basis. Read/Glance/Scan and think what you want, say what you want, unless it is something I have mentioned just before this sentance.
There is a new episode of what What The Buck Show, so go check that out aswell, and then I'm also going to give you another Glee link for their re-creation of 'For Good' from Wicked, because I love every song from Wicked, except maybe 'Wonderful', I don't know why, I'm just not keen on that one very much, but anyways, LISTEN TO IT, because it is ALWAYS on repeat, along with Lady Gaga's new song 'Hair'. But I'm blabbing, so click links, suggest all of the songs, even the Glee ones, I don't care if you've heard them or not, well I do care, but if you understand what I mean, then that's actually excellent.
I am also sadly aware that I lied and made this a long post again, I can't help it, once I start I writeEVERYTHING until there is no more for me to add/write or remember. So I hope you forgive me, although it is my post of reviews and opinions, kind of like my Eurovision one, I like to review, but just SUGGEST IT TO PEOPLE and yourself of course as it'd be much apreciated. I can't tell you how long my next blog will be tomorrow, and I'm not going to make an assumption in the fear I will get it wrong, or lie again. So, cheers for doing whatever you do when you read my blog page, if you do, and think what you will, I don't mind, unless it is hateful, then I do. Anyways, here is the link for Glee's 'For Good', listen/replay and do what you do with music, just enjoy it;
You have to understand, youtube sucks, so that is actually why I have posted a Tumblr link to the song, so listen to it there alright? And don't forget the What The Buck Show link, because well, the bloke is awesome.
Till tomorrow again, and I'll find something to talk about, hopefully, or it'll just be a babble post, I don't know, really, but yeah, tomorrow.


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