Tuesday 28 June 2011


So, I haven't obviously updated my blog in a while, and because I have time to do so, and many things to include, I can do one now, although it is going to end up being an early blog, but it doesn't at all really matter.
First off, I should put this week should be amazing, well, not everyday of this week, but most days. The days that shall not be so splendid will be when I go to the doctors, due to the unfortunate timing of a blister, that doesn't appear at all right, and stings like a bitch. I won't tell you more about my foot or whatever, because one, it is disgusting, and two, I don't want my blog to be very much about my foot. But I do need a doctors appointment. 

Onto what I'm supposed to be really mentioning in this blog, tomorrow I'm getting my helix pierced. For those that don't know what the helix is, it is pretty much just the top of your ear, but it pierces through the cartilage, meaning it cannot be pierced with a gun, but with a needle. In all honesty, it actually sounds pretty painful, and I admit, I'm not particularly one for pain, but I'm looking forward to getting it. I also mentioned in a previous blog that I was going to get tickets to see Wicked for my 16th, and well, I did, so now I've got plans, and am going to see my favourite ever musical, although, the tickets are brilliant, they are not right at the front, as I did refuse to pay £66 for myself, and then added from my friend and family (friend not being plural because my other friends don't like Wicked, which is fair on them, but I don't understand how someone can't like it.

Next, is this Saturday, in which because my mum brought The Sun for over a week and a half, she got little coupons in the newspaper, and after collecting a few of them, she sent them off and got two tickets to Alton Towers. My sister has her camping practice this weekend, which my mum second optioned me and asked me to, of course, after asking my sister. I suppose I'm upset that my mum chooses me after thinking of my sister, but its better than her not bothering with me at all, which happens quite often. Regardless, I'm excited to go, and just hope I don't get sick of any of the rides, which would mostly involve me going on high ones or fast ones to get sick.
Also, speaking of my mum, last night (27.06.11), she went to see Take That in Birmingham! I was quite jealous she went, and she hadn't even told us she was going or brought tickets till about 3 nights before she went, but at least she enjoyed it, and she also came back with a t-shirt, which I kinda' wish she'd brought one for me to.

That is pretty much it so far for these few days, I'm also waiting on my replacement shirt to come for the US, so when that comes I'm guaranteed I'll be wearing that to Alton Towers, just to make sure it fits. Below are the What The Buck Show videos for the past few days;




That is it for this blog. Believe it or not, I thought that it was going to actually be longer, I seem to have that thought often when I write a blog, but it just never seems to happen. I'm pretty sure that I'll make more blogs this week, and I'll make one for tomorrow after getting my ear pierced, I should note, I'm nervous, and I'm really afraid of the pain, but I'll mention what actually happened tomorrow, and of course I'll blog Saturday or Sunday, reporting on Alton Towers, and that will come with pictures, and tomorrows blog should include a picture of my earring.
Till my next blog (tomorrow).


Thursday 23 June 2011


Well, I did say I'd do a blog when my shirt and necklace came, but due to the fact that it turned out I brought a junior's shirt, I had to send it back to get one that fits, so, the only thing left was for my necklace to finally arrive, in which it did.
So, below is a photo of the lego crocodile necklace I brought from the U.S;

As it turned out, this necklace turned out smaller than the original requirements had made it to be. But I couldn't care less, because I love this necklace & hope to add it to an outfit, when I find one suitable to actually where a crocodile necklace with. 
I've also recently started making a scrap book of the things that I like and love, whether it be TV or things that I want to buy in the future. I believe the idea came from the fact that I didn't want to bore myself with doing nothing due to the fact that school has finished for me now, until I go back for sixth form and to college. In order for me to occupy my time, I thought of going for daily runs, but then I'd see to many people and I'm a lazy ass and would prefer to go to the gym, but not every day because then I'd be wasting money.
I then thought of going on the computer, but I get bored of doing that believe it or not, so I thought, why not? By some magazines, cut things out of them and stick them into a notebook.
I bet some of you are wondering 'how is that any less boring', well believe it or not, it isn't boring at all. I find things I enjoy and stick them down in random places, and it takes away hours during the day. I actually suggest that people do it, for instance, an example of two of the pages I have already done;
I understand that one the page above I put 'you are fat' and the reason to me is because that is my motivation to loose weight. If you don't understand then you don't need to, because this book is just images of things that mean random things to me, and some of the images may even stand out to you. I have more pages then that above, I just decided that I wanted to show examples, not my entire book. I may do that if or when I finish it, which believe me, shall take time.

That is pretty much it for this blog, I really wanted to show you the shirt I got, but it turns out that it will be for another blog, but that is alright for me, because it'll give me something to write about, which I'm lacking in. 
Oh, in fact, to add another thing, I'm hoping that this weekend I can get my top ear pierced in stone, because in all honesty, I don't like where I am, so I'd rather do it somewhere else. and then I also aim to get my Wicked tickets today for my 16th next month, to see the show at the Victoria Apollo in London. I'm literally very very excited!

Also, below are the What The Buck Show videos that I haven't posted, and if you are starting to subscribe to him, and watching his new videos without the need of my links, then that is great! But I still put links up in case new people read my blog and/or want to watch new videos and such. I may even make another suggestive youtube video blog that you guys should watch, but I might not, so just check out his videos for now; 

So, those are pretty much it for the videos, I actually see a pattern that they come in threes now, but it might change, I can't say for sure, or when my next blog will be, maybe tomorrow, maybe not, and it will include things about Wicked because it is my favourite musical of all time and I am not just saying that, I do love it, like ALOT.
Anyways, until my next blog.


Sunday 19 June 2011


So, my necklace and shirt still haven't come, so no I still don't have any photos, but I'm starting to like being able to post on any day available, even though you'll be getting a new post once in a while, but I won't forget, or stop, so it is pretty much all cool.

First off, I went ASDA today to buy some new DVD's, and what I came out with was Paul and Black Sheep. Now, I loved Paul, I went to see it in the cinema, I laughed and cried at it because it was just that good, and Black Sheep, although it is a horror, and I don't actually like horrors all that much, it is mixed with comedy, so I thought, why not? I have seen it, I did enjoy it so I went and got the film...well, eventually.
You see, when I went to the checkouts to buy the two DVD's, as it turns out, I need a ID now. You've got to understand that I'm not 18, or 21, I need an ID to prove that I am 15. I was told to get an ID out, not that people need their looks anymore just to be proof enough, and because I didn't have a ID, I had to out the DVD's back, which actually royally annoyed me.
I ended up resorting to getting my sister to phone our mum to come down so she could come and buy them for us, which was embarrassing and stupid, but it did end up happening and because she was there, I got a third DVD, an 18, as I can't buy a DVD that states it's for 18 because I have another 2 years to go, but what does it matter really? I can't get any other film until I get an ID.
Anyways, the DVD that I got my mum to get was Wanted, with James McAvoy, of whom is one of my favourite actors and of course I liked the film also, so yeah, that was pretty much most of my day and the photos are below;
The only other thing that I have done today is I went to Radford Bank, which is basically a carvery, for a fathers day lunch, and because my Dad is dead, it was more like a granddad day lunch. Either way, all I know is I stuffed my face, I ate ice-cream and I'm still feeling the effects of eating to much, but it was good.
I don't have much for this blog, which is starting to become a thing with me now, I used to write huge blogs, but now, they are just getting smaller. I think my life needs a bit more to include so I can write about it. 
Maybe in my next blog, I'll write more about me, about what I like, what I hate and so on, but I mainly want to get my shirt and necklace blog done first.
Also, for tomorrow, I mentioned in my previous blog that I have men coming to change the heaters, and that day would be tomorrow, so I'm not entirely looking forward to that, I guess, I'm just going to have go for a walk out, or anything not to just get in the way.

Below, are the What The Buck Show videos that I haven't posted;

There aren't that many again, but mind you, I haven't posted for 2 days, so I don't believe that are that many videos that can be posted as he does it daily, and F.Y.I, one of those videos is for today, so for 2 days you missed 2, and then I included today's also.
That would appear to be it for this blog, and I'm feeling a little down I couldn't have made it better, or that I should have put more effort into it, but I didn't sadly, but anyways, it should be alright, I will most likely make my next blog bigger hopefully. Until my next blog.


Friday 17 June 2011


For some reason today, I could have done this blog earlier, I just chose to wait till later on in the afternoon to do it, and I have no idea why. I wasn't feeling lazy or in any position not to be able to write it, I just didn't. 
In all honesty I don't want to feel that again, so whether I do or do not want to do it, I will, but only if I'm actually at the computer because I can't do it with my mind, sadly.
Now, all of today I have been at the computer, I won't lie about it, but for nine or so hours I have been at the computer, I should note, I don't do it often, just once in a while, and the reason as to why I've been on for so long is because I've become obsessed with shopping online.
It's where I find most of my t-shirts and jewellery. But the only downside to it all, is that I want everything I like, and I don't have all that money on me because I'm saving it up to actually buy them and more.  
I don't think that made sense did it? If it did make sense to you, then good, if it didn't make sense then what I meant was I don't want to use the money I have now to buy anything, because if I do, I'll have to start saving up all over again, so I've decided not to buy everything I want until I've saved up enough.
I think I've just gone and confused it all up, but I can't explain it any other way, because for one thing, I've done it twice now.

Apart from that, this blog is kind of short today, just like yesterdays. I think this week is getting to become a little slow, and I know for a fact that when my necklace and shirt comes I'll blog about them, so that'll be fairly bigger than this one.
Also, I fear that when I brought my shirt, that I didn't put down the right size, so now I might get a shirt from the U.S and it might be to small, or to big.
If it does turn out like that, then I shall be miserable and extremely annoyed, because I had the same issue with a Bayern Munich shirt I brought once, which turned out to be really, really small, so I had to send that back, only that was from a store in the U.K, not the U.S
I'm freaking out over it now. I guess I have to wait till it comes now to find out, which will be such a waste of money!

Also, What The Buck Show's link for today is below;


There is only one because he hasn't made his next one yet, so that'll be in my next blog along with the other links for his future videos, just remember to keep on checking them out!
Also my apologies for this one being so small, although, some of you might think it's great because there isn't so much to read, I don't know, so, until my next blog.


Thursday 16 June 2011


I feel more better doing my blogs when I'm available to do them, so when I make a blog it may just be on random days, but I aim to do it so I have at least a few a week, or even more, but I can't be 100% guaranteed
Anyways, for the best 2 and 1/2 days my family and I have been cleaning out each room and other rooms also because council men are coming to replace the heaters, and because the heaters wire are underneath the carpets in both the upstairs and downstairs room, we have pretty much had to move everything out.
As we're tidying though, I stumbled across t-shirts I had actually completely forgot about! Not to mention other un-mentionable s and even a few magazines that had managed to stay in shape. 
It's been quite tiring believe it or not, because apart from finding random things, we've also had to carry tables and boxes downstairs even 5 minutes to make more room for other boxes, to then fill them up and then take them downstairs, kind of like a loop.
The men are coming on Monday, but our house is a ridiculous mess, and I also believe my mum to be a hoarder also, that is why there is so much junk in my house. 
Apart from that, I've been pretty much balling my eyes out almost every repeat of Cold Case that has been on.
I find the episodes really sad, the story-lines are just brilliant. Mind you, I've only got to the fourth series, so I have another 3 to go,  and they may get worse, or so I've heard/been told.
But for now, I just get so miserable over them, although I know that they aren't actually real-life, besides some that are based on real-life events, which saddens me more, but they are so well acted, and you feel sorry for the character, even the bad guy! 
And let me tell you, only a few shows can make a bad guy look good, or even allow you to remotely feel sorry for them. I actually suggest that people watch Cold Case because it is a terrific series, infact, definitely one of my favourites.
I've also been getting alot of the music that is played at the beginning or during the end of the episodes.
Which means I've now become addicted to listening to songs like Oasis's 'Little By Little' and Tim McGraw's 'I've Got Friends That Do'.

I think that is it for this blog, because I haven't got all that much more to add, except I brought a lego crocodile necklace off the internet, so I'm really excited about getting that, infact, I'll show you a picture along with my new t-shirt that's coming.

Below is the What The Buck Show videos that I didn't post for the past few days, so you can watch them now, unless you're following his channel, which would be fantastic.



You know, you didn't actually miss that many videos because luckily he didn't make to many, and only one of them is an actual full on video, the other, well to you that would be the bottom one, is shorter.

Anyways, I do believe I'll make a blog tomorrow because I have nothing to do, at all, and plans won't even pop up, but for safety until my next blog.


Tuesday 14 June 2011


I really should stop ending some of my blogs with 'until tomorrow', seriously, I shouldn't write that because on some occasions I can't post the next day, or the day after that, which is exactly what I've done, so, so sorry for that!
But, now I've remembered I'm now able to write this blog, and I sincerely hope that I'm able to make one tomorrow also, because I've pretty much got NO EXAMS LEFT
Gosh, it feels great to say/write that! But, that is of course for now, because I got accepted into my sixth form, which I'm shocked by because I only went to that school for about 7 months, and not to mention the fact it's going to be a little hard to get there on time, as I live 3 miles away, and then lastly the issue of finishing my work and spending to much time on it.
I'm just completed amazed I was accepted, and no point in moping, as it is over and done with, just like my exams!
Slightly awkward moment yesterday (13.06.11) because I turned up for my last history test on the wrong day, and then I was almost sent into a year 10 English test. To say it was awkward is an understatement, but I laughed and forgot about it, and my test was today, well, this afternoon actually, and I didn't do so bad, even though my hand really hurt afterwards, also near the end I had to rush due to the fact that I had about 10 minutes left to do 2 questions, one worth 7 marks the other 12, and what I did was rush both, but focused more on the 12 marks.
For me, time goes excessively fast, especially when trying to do a test, it seems everyone else can finish 15 or so minutes before the end, except me, I'm still writing.
I guess I just hate time limits, like, a lot.
I don't suppose anything interesting happened all that much in the past few days I failed to blog, I got some new magazines, new posters (which to be honest I get every week), I've spent a lot of time thinking, watching some TV, as I do.
I almost forgot, a while back I brought a t-shirt, this one to be exact (I know I mentioned trying to refrain from putting images into all my blogs, but basically, I change my mind all the time, so sometimes I don't stick to what I say, but I always try);
Of course, it looked better in real life, but I got this shirt, from a site called shirt.woot.com (I will add a link at the bottom) and it took about 2 weeks to arrive, I then got it, was quite pleased with it, and not long after, say about 3 or so weeks, I'd placed it in one of my draws, my mum took it out, obviously to wash it, and she went and lost it. To say I'm still angry is quite an obvious guess, and I'm going to have to buy myself a new one. It isn't that I'm strapped for cash or anything, it's just I shouldn't have to buy a new t-shirt because my mum couldn't leave things along in the first place
So we pretty much gave up looking for it (I believe she's gotten rid of it, she believes it's still in the house, who knows), and I decided I'm going to have to buy myself a new shirt, I thought about getting this one again, but I can always get it any other time, so I went searching through the internet for a new shirt, and it was terribly hard. 
I'm not joking with you either.
It really is hard to just pick one shirt out of so many because I couldn't choose one, and then it got worse when there was about 50 I wanted to buy, but I had to narrow it down, and after (I do not lie here) about 6 hours I settled on 2 t-shirts. One of which was a girls Green Lantern shirt, the other a A Very Potter Musical - 'Gettin' Back To Hogwarts' to do list, and after thinking for 10 minutes, and realising the Green Lantern t-shirt meant having to pay £28 postage and packaging, I decided with the A Very Potter Musical t-shirt, which looks like this;
Actually, because it is a front to back t-shirt, I had to take 2 screenshot's (and of course I'll give the link below), but yeah, I ended up with this shirt, and it won't be the last Starkid t-shirt to say the least, I'm just hoping that my mum or anyone looses this. I don't know how long it will take to deliver either, because it didn't mention it when we brought it, so I'm going to have to sit by the door and/or letterbox till it does, and I'm seriously hoping it fits me, otherwise I'll be quite annoyed.
Should also mention, my mum opted to buy it for me because I payed for my last t-shirt I brought, so because she lost it, she owe'd me a new one, and I'm super mega excited.

I'm a little relived I had something to mention in this blog now because I had no idea what I was going to put, so thank god for everything that has happened in some retrospect, even though I seriously want my shirt back. I also have a 'gotta-look-at-t-shirt-that-I-so-want-to-buy' addiction, so I'm going to have to sort that out.
Quick mention, I'm tad a bit annoyed at people on Facebook that feel the need to post that they have a Tumblr. You don't do that, you do not post anything Tumblr related on Facebook. You shouldn't care about how many more followers you get, you don't mix the two up. I don't, neither should idiots on Facebook. If they knew anything about Tumblr in the first place they should know that they should accommodate it with Facebook. I shouldn't rant like that, and I'm not being hypocritical either because I don't do that, but it is so annoying, it really is.

The links for the What The Buck Show that I haven't posted are below, as well as the links for the T-Shirts I previously owned and have just brought to (I'll take a photo of my t-shirt when it arrives aswell, and I'm hoping not to be disappointed aswell);

http://shirt.woot.com/friends.aspx?k=8901 - Delorean from Back To The Future crashing into The Tardis t-shirt.

Hope you guys actually take a look or even buy one of those shirts because, well, why not

I'm not going to end on a 'till tomorrow' line again, but more like a 'till my next blog' because then that makes more sense, and I always go up in number order, so it shouldn't be hard to find my last or other blog or whatever, so, yeah, till my next blog.


Friday 10 June 2011


So, as it turns out, I'm actually going to be doing my blog early, which then means that you can't get the What The Buck's new video till tomorrow, so I'm sorry for that, but I'm doing this now because I'll be busy later, and I'll be able to just get this out of the way.
Now, first off, I had the second part of my maths exam this morning, and although it was fairly easier as it was a calculator test, I failed to finish that one aswell, even with the extra time I was given again, I didn't finish it, and it has really annoyed me, but heck, if I get a low grade I'm going to have to take a resit, which is going to end up costing me money and start all over again with a different exam.
I finished most of my history questions, except the ones I chose to leave out and I also finished my English, my honest to god least favourite.
Weirdly enough though, I'm not beating myself up over this one, and I know I should because I want to take A-Level mathematics, but if I get stressed out I won't concentrate and I'll worry to much, so I'm going to just let things play out. Not forgetting that this Monday is my last history exam, and any after that! (Unless I will have to take resits).
I'm now going to do what I mentioned yesterday, and if you can't be bothered to look down the page a little, or remember, I said I was going to show you a photo of my memo board (which in also fairness consists of no memos whatsoever) and describe why I have each individual photo or whatever on there in little brief descriptions (even I can't write that many giant paragraphs, well, I can, but not on this certain topic or, topics even).
Why I'm doing it, is because I need to create a blog, I have nothing else to write about, and I thought I'd share it with you. So, moving on, my board actually looks like this below;
I've just realised how crummy the photo actually looks, and looked way better when I was taking it, but like the images on my walls in my last post, I'm lucky to have gotten all the images in the photo. Now, I'll just list down with what is on the board and little descriptions. (If you wish to view an image or the images better than just click on the photo).

Psych (2 images, 2 quotes). 

Now, if you're wondering what the quotes actually say, one says;
Shawn: 'Good morning, detectives. Collecting for the policemen's ball?'
Lassiter: 'We don't have balls'.
Shawn: 'I have honestly no response to that'.
Then the second quote is;
Shawn: 'My pilot's license? It's out back in the Cessna. Or perhaps you're referring to my license to kill. Revoked - problems at the Kazakhstan border. I'd give you the details, but then I'd have to kill you...which I can't do, because my license to kill has been revoked'.' 
You should have known that by now, I love Psych. It's one of my favourite shows on the TV at the moment, sometimes I get annoyed with the romance, but the bromance between Gus/Shawn makes it always worth watching.

All Time Low (2 images).

Clearly one of my favourite bands, as I've mentioned in past blogs. I seriously LOVE their new album Dirty Work that has come out, so I'm actually going to buy it. Also, if you've noticed in my picture, Alex Gaskarth has his previous blonde hair, rather than his now dark auburn hair.

Movie ticket stubs. (2).

These 2 stubs are actually from seeing Tangled in 3D and Paul. 2 actually really fantastic films, and I collect the stubs from the movies I go to see at the cinema, sadly, I've lost a few, and then a few I'm unable to put on because of the no space left issue. So, I'm going to of course by a second board, as they only cost £2.75! Hopefully my stubs will add up, but for now they are actually the only ones.

Russell Howard ticket.

I went to see him on February 16th of this year, and I cannot explain how much I enjoyed it! It was on his Right Here, Right Now tour, and he was in Liverpool at the Echo Arena, and I had wanted to see him for a long long time. I saved up, the ticket only cost me £28.50, which was so worth it! I plan to see him again, but not the same tour, I'm just going to buy the DVD, even though I already know what he's going to joke about. I also seriously love comedians, so he isn't the only one I wish to see this year and years to come.

Albert Einstein tongue image.

I just found this hilarious, and because I wasn't able to find a bigger one, I printed off a smaller image and just placed it on the board. I do like Albert Einstein, and some of my favourite quotes are by him. I mean, I can't remember it fully, but it goes like 'A life lived with others is a life worth lived', or something along those lines. I also knew this was a famous image, either edited or real, so I naturally wanted it.

Cut out image from Heat magazine.

If you are wondering which image I'm on about, it is the one that states 'It's a good feeling beating Cheryl!'. The reason for this image is because last year Danni Minogue won with her entrant Matt Cardle on X - Factor even though the odds were with Cheryl Cole winning with one of her girls. But as she didn't, she had lost out to Danni. Now what you have to understand is, the reason I chose to put it on my board is because I hate Cheryl Cole. Whether it was in the girl band she was in, or appearing on commercials or on TV, I don't like her, so I put it up because I was happy she didn't win with one of her entrants.

Scott Pilgrim VS. The World images. (2).

I basically just loved this film enough to get 2 images from it. One of the images is for a signing where the creator is located. I don't know why I have it, I just don't have the heart to take it down.

Matt Smith as The Doctor.

Do I really need to say much here? Matt Smith is ridiculously attractive, Doctor Who is one of my personal favourite TV shows out there. I don't think my board would have been completed without him anyways. This image was also the most awkward to place because most of my other images were rectangular, so I ended up under-laying and over-laying and found a way to place it on.

Small Film Poster images. (6)

If you can notice them all, they are Blades Of GloryFanboys, The Social Network, Dinner For Schmucks, Footloose and The Shining. All of which are films I've seen that I've loved. In all honesty, I saw the images and put them on my board. Now, Fanboys is a film I'd suggest a hundred times over, as the same for Footloose and The Shining. Don't get me wrong, I love the other 2 films as much, but I have a thing for old films.

TV show images. (4)

FringeHouse and Scrubs are obviously long running shows. Except for The Walking Dead. I don't even think I could make it a week without watching at least one episode. I mean, the cast, the characters. Robert Sean-Leonard, Hugh Laurie and Jesse Spencer are not only attractive, but amazing actors. The Scrubs image is of the new series, which admittingly, I am not fond of, but I however did enjoy the first 6 series, so that's why the Scrubs reminder is there. With Fringe, J.J Abrams I believe is a genius, and is also the mastermind behind The Event and Lost (am I the only one severely disappointed with the ending? I thought it was terrible for a show that went through all of that) this show is soon to be on hiatus for 6 months, but god, I'm so glad it actually came out. The Walking Dead was given to me by a friend who suggested it to me, it's safe to say I watched the entire of the first series, but

The Glee Gleek Tour image.

Well, obviously I seriously want to go see Glee live! Not only that but I'm an honest Gleek. I adore Glee and I couldn't see myself hating it at all. I would take it down, I wouldn't replace it either. I love the characters, the storyline, the ups and down and most importantly, the music. I don't know how many of their songs I've got that they've remade from the artists I already love and made it 1000 times better. Then you have the subject of the original songs they've made. I can't find any fault, and when I manage to get a new board there shall be assurance that I'm going to put more Glee images up.

The Heads. (2)

I don't really know where I was going with the heads, one is of Keira Knightley, then the other is the Psycho scream face. I guess the scream face was because I adore Alfred Hitchcock movies and Keira Knightley was made because I liked the cut of her hair. Infact, I don't know much why they are on my board, I just don't have the heart to take them off.

and then finally and lastly;

The phone charms. (2).

I don't even bother putting them on my phone! I collect them, like my ticket stubs after every time I go to the cinema. They always are of Pokemon and at the moment I have Chicorita (or however you spell it) and Totadile (again, the same on the spelling). I've actually had more of them, but they only ever give me the same one or two, so I just give them to my sister.

That should know be it.
I've come to realise I spent over 2 hours on this, and I don't want to drag on anymore due to the fact that I have indeed realised that this is quite a long post. I did, on some of the explanations lack a little, but because there was not a lot really to write about them.
I assure you, and I am assuring myself that I shall not be writing another blog like that any time soon, and I mean on the sense of a board, not a long journal, I have a tendency to do that, and no matter how many times I tell myself I won't do it, I do. So you have to bare with me on that one.
I cannot post a link today, as sadly, I do not have on. I have checked and come to learn that What The Buck Show hasn't made a new video at the moment, or during the long period I was writing this.
I would also understand if you choose not to read through this entirely, and just glance or scan through it, because in total honesty, like in a previous blog before I would totally not read all of this, but I did write it, so I can just say I've read it all already.
Till tomorrow, where I will post double links for today and tomorrow's What The Buck Show, infact, I really need to stop doing these journals earlier than normal and having to post a link the very next day, I must get my act together.
