Turns out that instead of a history test, I had a maths test, so I didn't need all that revision I did on history for Monday, and upon realising that I went to use the computer for revision for maths that I should have revised for, but didn't realise I had a test on, and upon logging on and trying to access the internet, it turned out that my connection was down.
Now, I can understand that some of you are thinking 'well, there are other methods of revising for maths', and well, yeah, I thought of that, but you see, I got rid of my maths books because I've pretty much finished school until I start in sixth form, and then I don't really own books on maths, because, well, you know, it's maths.
It is also the reason why I didn't get chance to blog yesterday either, but back to the matter, now, because I didn't have any source of revision for my maths and I pretty much just winged it through the entire test.
Winging a test is possibly one of the worst things you can do if you're;
1. Not intelligent.
2. Don't know the basis of the test.
3. Or have never actually winged a test before.
I've only done the top 2, and yes, I have actually winged a test before, not one of my most intelligent moves, I've winged a test more than once actually, so you're right in getting the assumption that I don't revise very often, or something else gets in the way. I couldn't possibly tell you what exactly, because there are alot of things, and I do mean alot.
I don't even know where half the stuff that I get distracted by comes from, but it's safe to say, that I blame the internet. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't use it as often, but come on, it's the internet.
But, besides from winging it, the worst was to actually come. I started off the test fine, some questions got me, some I just stared at for like, ten minutes, not a great thing really, and then some I just got through so fast that I can't remember the actual questions.
I do remember one however, I'll show you the example, but it's not exactly the way the question looked or was wrote out, so I'm just guessing somewhat correctly;
'What's the exact remainder you get from dividing 4467 by 3'.
I presume that isn't the way it actually was, but it's close enough, and because it was a none calculator test, I did it all on paper and in my head.
If you're wondering what answer I got, it was something along the lines of 1155 r. 2, but, I've just done it on the calculator, and although I'm not a hundred percent certain that it was the actual question but my calculator came out with 1489.
Now, like me, you've noticed that there is no remainder, so I've wrote the number of the question out wrong, so I don't really know the question.
Plus, no, I didn't get the remainder part wrong, as it actually asked for the remainder, so I know that I wrote the number to be divided wrong, my bad.
Infact, when I get my horrid results back, I'll tell you what the question was in a blog, but I'm not going to tell you my actual results, because that is far to personal and can be spread or whatever, so I'll just write out the question and the correct answer, because I'm just guaranteed that I got it wrong, I just know it.
Aside from that whole question thing, out of 26 or so questions, I only answered 18/19, I can't remember exactly, but I know it was one of them.
and the worst part, this was even when I was given extra time.
I couldn't even finish the test on extra time.
I don't know whether you've felt the feeling of never finishing your actual proper maths exam, even with the given extra time, but it is so heart wrenching.
Not like when you're watching TV and one of your favourite characters is in a life or death situation, but a heart-sinking-to-the-bottom-of-your-chest feeling.
It's so awful.
I'm just hope that when it comes to my calculator test this Friday that I finish and don't have to rely on extra time, and then get loads of marks. It may actually seem a little much for me to ask or rely upon myself to do, I just, don't what to wing it again. and as for my history exam? I have that utmost pleasure of failing that tomorrow.
I know I'll fail because it is me, I mean, even after all the lessons I've been to, all those practice tests, practices questions and reading from books and the actual internet, I know that when I'll come to the test tomorrow, it'll be about something I barely know anything about, or I'll have forgotten.
I might just even stress myself out so much that I'll end up just blanking on everything I've learnt, so I'll write tons of gibberish.
But until tomorrow morning, after I've finished, if I'll finish even. I won't know. So here is me, hoping for the absolute best, and that a miracle shall strike upon me and let me remember everything for a great grade.
But that is all down to hope, and I know what it feels like to lose it, so I shan't rely on it that much.
But that is pretty much it on the basis of how miserable I am about the whole exam thing, so today was pretty much all fail. Infact, I sound so down in this blog, don't I? I just believe I have reason to aswell. Another reason for my annoyance is for yesterday, when I went round to my corner shop. I originally just aimed to get a drink, or some crisps, maybe even both, but I went round, and because normally when I go to get my crisps or drinks, I go near or past where the magazines are, and because my sister had already got the film magazine for this month, I didn't bother glancing for it, but instead, another magazine had caught my attention. This time it was a Doctor Who magazine, and I LOVE Doctor Who if you don't know that, so, instead of bothering with getting a drink, I went to check it out. Now, I couldn't go through the magazine (of which I really wish I could have done now) due to the fact that it was a special edition, which basically means that it came out in a packaging, as in it, it contained a giant poster, specifically, on the actual image, of The Doctor.
I have 2 giant posters already, one of David Tennant as the 10th Doctor with a Cyberman from like, 2 years or so ago, and then one from last year, of which shows David Tennant again, but on the opposite side that of Matt Smith, the then to become 11th Doctor. I think I'm going to have to do my next blog showing my wall and it's posters, most of which consist of everything I love, so in all honesty, prepare for a big blog tomorrow or whenever, if I remember.
Anyways, I saw the poster, of course, I wanted it. As you should know, in order to get a poster with any magazine, you must buy it. Now, I had around £6, and the magazine was £4.50. I thought it was a rip off in all fairness, but because the magazine weighed quite a bit, I thought, 'yep, just going to get it, who knows? Maybe there will even be more posters on the inside', so, I picked it up, along with a red bull that was on sale (I know couldn't afford any of the crisps I liked or wanted) and then brought them. I walked home, got in, and then opened it up.
Now, in my next blog I'll show you what I mean, but I opened it, got the poster out, but what I noticed was the fact that it was bigger than I thought, and so, I opened it out, and it turned out that instead of just The Doctor, it opened up larger and I saw, with huge dissapointment, because I hate this character, that Amy Pond was on the other side, minus Rory. Which kind of left my upset, because I can't use this poster, without her character being there.
Then, next thing I did was open the magazine, read and scanned through the pages, and alas, I found another dissapointment, the magazine did not only contain absolutely no posters, but it was so terribly boring and un-informative about most things I love about Doctor Who.
Some of you are probably thinking, 'you should think before you act', or 'you shouldn't just buy a magazine for posters', yeah, well, that is true, but I just do, and heck, I even thought there was going to be something interesting in the magazine, but there wasn't.
I'm actually going to buy it again next month (I believe it to be a monthly magazine) and I'll see whether or not if it's anything better, otherwise I won't buy it again, understand that it would have cost my £9.00 if I don't like it or £4.50 if I like the next one. Who knows? Well, I will and whomever reads this blog whenever I write about it next.
I did say in my last blog that I might post a picture, well I am, and it's of the actual magazine, in case any of you recognize or buy it, and you should be able to see where it shows The Doctor and the little poster part;
Admittingly, not the best image, but it is actually the only one I took, and I even managed to turn it around as it was originally on its side, but you should just be able to get the idea from the image.
Also, new What The Buck Show video aswell shown below (there are actually two new videos, so just check out his page, because I can't be bothered for two links, when you can just check yourself), and then, until my next blog, which shall contain images, or even not, I'll just decide then and there.
Infact, I've decided now, my next blog won't include pictures, because I've done two already with an image, but it shall be the one after.
I'm sticking to what I've said, that my blog shall contain images, but not my next one. If you don't understand, you will as it will make sense, believe me, I'm lucky not to have confused myself, so, until my next blog.
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