Thursday, 23 June 2011


Well, I did say I'd do a blog when my shirt and necklace came, but due to the fact that it turned out I brought a junior's shirt, I had to send it back to get one that fits, so, the only thing left was for my necklace to finally arrive, in which it did.
So, below is a photo of the lego crocodile necklace I brought from the U.S;

As it turned out, this necklace turned out smaller than the original requirements had made it to be. But I couldn't care less, because I love this necklace & hope to add it to an outfit, when I find one suitable to actually where a crocodile necklace with. 
I've also recently started making a scrap book of the things that I like and love, whether it be TV or things that I want to buy in the future. I believe the idea came from the fact that I didn't want to bore myself with doing nothing due to the fact that school has finished for me now, until I go back for sixth form and to college. In order for me to occupy my time, I thought of going for daily runs, but then I'd see to many people and I'm a lazy ass and would prefer to go to the gym, but not every day because then I'd be wasting money.
I then thought of going on the computer, but I get bored of doing that believe it or not, so I thought, why not? By some magazines, cut things out of them and stick them into a notebook.
I bet some of you are wondering 'how is that any less boring', well believe it or not, it isn't boring at all. I find things I enjoy and stick them down in random places, and it takes away hours during the day. I actually suggest that people do it, for instance, an example of two of the pages I have already done;
I understand that one the page above I put 'you are fat' and the reason to me is because that is my motivation to loose weight. If you don't understand then you don't need to, because this book is just images of things that mean random things to me, and some of the images may even stand out to you. I have more pages then that above, I just decided that I wanted to show examples, not my entire book. I may do that if or when I finish it, which believe me, shall take time.

That is pretty much it for this blog, I really wanted to show you the shirt I got, but it turns out that it will be for another blog, but that is alright for me, because it'll give me something to write about, which I'm lacking in. 
Oh, in fact, to add another thing, I'm hoping that this weekend I can get my top ear pierced in stone, because in all honesty, I don't like where I am, so I'd rather do it somewhere else. and then I also aim to get my Wicked tickets today for my 16th next month, to see the show at the Victoria Apollo in London. I'm literally very very excited!

Also, below are the What The Buck Show videos that I haven't posted, and if you are starting to subscribe to him, and watching his new videos without the need of my links, then that is great! But I still put links up in case new people read my blog and/or want to watch new videos and such. I may even make another suggestive youtube video blog that you guys should watch, but I might not, so just check out his videos for now; 

So, those are pretty much it for the videos, I actually see a pattern that they come in threes now, but it might change, I can't say for sure, or when my next blog will be, maybe tomorrow, maybe not, and it will include things about Wicked because it is my favourite musical of all time and I am not just saying that, I do love it, like ALOT.
Anyways, until my next blog.


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