Tuesday, 7 June 2011


I've actually managed to blog at an early time, and the day after my last blog.
I'm feeling quite impressed with myself, well, I feel impressed with myself at this minute, as just about an hour and a half ago, I did my first history test.
Now, this test didn't go as horrible as my maths test yesterday, but I could have done a little more revision, but in all honesty, I think I did as enough revision as I could have done because I couldn't possibly know what exactly was on that test. But that is beside the point. 
I got in, I talked to my history teacher (and a few others, who pretty much told me the same thing, to 'not write for England', and to not 'spend so much time on one question', as I do both of those things, which is one of the main reasons why I never actually finish a test). 
But anyways, I talked to them, I got in to the hall, sat down (for the history exam, because my school is really small, and there are like 50 of us in year 11, and only 15 of us who took history, so the hall was literally almost empty besides from us few) and the man who reads out what to do and watches us for the test did his thing, and I started the test. 
Now, the first 2 questions, 1A and 1B, I'll be blunt, there were hard. I don't remember anything or even learning about The League of Nations and Japan, so I just wrote about 3 sentences, which should get me at least 1 mark out of the 7 and then the second question I couldn't remember anything about why the League failed in Abyssinia from 1935-1936. I could only remember something about sending someone over for peace negotiations, so I wrote about 5 sentences which hopefully should get me at least 2 marks, but this time out of 8.
I just couldn't win with the first 2 questions, so I moved on and of course, I know a butt load about the treaty of Versailles, so I went quickly through that one, then there was something on the Hitler youth, and I knew all about that to, then onto something involving Hitler in power and the promises made, so I guess, at the beginning of this test I failed quite a bit, but I think I got better going through, but I can't really know if that is true until I get my results.
You know, I say that most of the time in my blogs revolving around my tests, that I won't really know till I get my results back, I believe I should just start off with that or something, instead of babbling on, but, I don't think I'll be able to stop babbling, so you'll have to put up with it in my blogs.
I should also point out I also gave my mum the wrong time to pick me up. Turns out 120 doesn't mean 1 hour and 20 minutes, but it means 2 hours, so my mum actually sat in the car for an hour, and I couldn't tell her because, well, I was in an exam. There was me, thinking I knew all about time and I couldn't even remember that there is 60 minutes in an hour, so double 60 is 120, which is two hours.
I should note, I know now because my brain is functioning, and I remembered my error. I've also come across the fact that I need to finish off my science, because I've left it for a while, and I actually need that GCSE.
I'll just be relieved that after next Monday that I have no school until September.

Apart from my history test this morning, nothing else has happened, and to be honest, my blog is early, so nothing else can happen until after this blog, but it is a Tuesday, so I'm doubting that anything interesting will happen anyways. I guess I should mention that I can't stop listening to Les Miserables 'At The End Of The Day'. 
It just really is addictive to listen and sing to, infact, check it out, you'd understand why. But, the one I'm listening to is from the 80's. There are a ton of remakes, but all so great, so in fairness, it doesn't matter which one you listen to, it's the same lyrics, just an updated tune.
That is it for this blog, it's a tiny one, which is an improvement from having to read one that is stupidly long. Anyways, tomorrow I'll do the whole poster and images blog that I said I'd do today, but decided I didn't want to so I'm doing it tomorrow.
Now, because I've done my blog this early, What The Buck Show hasn't made a new video yet, so what I'm actually going to do is give you a link to another youtuber I love, so you can check that link out, and then tomorrow I'll give you the link I should have given you today, along with the one for tomorrow (I normally say go check out his page and just look for yourself, but because I should have posted it today and am not, I owe it to you readers. So, check  the link out below;


So then, until tomorrows blog.


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